Member Resources
There are a variety of resources for KWORCC Members on this website.
If you need to report a claim, please visit the Claims Reporting page.
Under Loss Prevention, you will find Publications written by Loss Prevention Manager Brandon Mann, video classes for Defensive Driving, Flagging and Hazard Communications, information to apply for the Kansas Sheriffs' Association Jailer Training scholarship, a listing of in person training offered by the KWORCC Loss Prevention Staff, information to help counties prepare for Kansas Department of Labor inspections and titles available in the Safety Video Library.
In this section you will find many of the documents which Members need. You can find a copy of the KWORCC Bylaws, the coverage and limits, forms needed by injured workers, an archive of our newsletter, KWORDS, since 2007, as well as manuals, policies and additional forms member counties might need.
If you need to report a claim, please visit the Claims Reporting page.
Under Loss Prevention, you will find Publications written by Loss Prevention Manager Brandon Mann, video classes for Defensive Driving, Flagging and Hazard Communications, information to apply for the Kansas Sheriffs' Association Jailer Training scholarship, a listing of in person training offered by the KWORCC Loss Prevention Staff, information to help counties prepare for Kansas Department of Labor inspections and titles available in the Safety Video Library.
In this section you will find many of the documents which Members need. You can find a copy of the KWORCC Bylaws, the coverage and limits, forms needed by injured workers, an archive of our newsletter, KWORDS, since 2007, as well as manuals, policies and additional forms member counties might need.