VHS Tapes Available
Please be sure to include your name, phone number, county department, mailing address and the number and name of the VHS(s) you are requesting.
SP-11 Medical Emergencies in the Work Place I: Life-Sustaning Response—This program serves mainly as a tool to increase awareness of what can happen during medical emergencies and the kind of quick, purposeful action that is required when seconds count and a person’s life may be hanging in the balance. CPR is a main focus within this video. (13 minutes)
SP-12 Medical Emergencies in teh Work Place II: Emergency First Response—This program will show your employees the importance of knowing emergency first response procedures and will provide the basic information they need to report emergencies and administer first-aid treatment. Demonstrations are given on how various types of injuries should be handled. (17 minutes) G-4 Respiratory Safety—The proper fitting, use and care of respirators. A respirator program requires a good deal of preparation and knowledge, and this video provides much of the necessary basic knowledge needed to establish a proper respirator program. (12 minutes) G-5 Driving Environment—Environmental factors play a significant role in driver performance. At the completion of this lesson, the student will know how the following environmental factors will effect their driving performance: (1) darkness, (2) weather, (3) unfamiliar terrain, (4) special traffic controls and (5) non-traffic related hazards. The program emphasis is on weather factors. (18 minutes; a copy of this same video is also catalogued as G-11) |
G-6 Driving Risk Control—Every time we drive a motor vehicle there is some form of risk involved. Professional driving requires the continual acceptance or reflection of those risks. This lesson was designed to create an awareness of the risks associated with five common driving characteristics: passing, yielding, following, speed control and environmental factors. By training drivers to recognize risk characteristics, they are able to select, limit and control them. (19 minutes; a copy of this same video is also catalogued as G-10)
G-7 Lifting & Carrying—Employees need to know how to safely move an object from point A to point B. This is an excellent review of how to lift and carry and minimize the chance of injury. (12:30 minutes)
G-8 Chain Saws and Common Sense—A guide for people for BOTH. (20 minutes)
G-9 Traffic Perceptual Skills—Upon completion of this lesson, the student will know, appreciate and be capable of applying each of the following traffic perceptual skills: (1) search, (2) identify, (3) predict, (4) decide and (5) execute. (26 minutes; ask for a copy of the test)
G-10 Driving Risk Control— This is an exact copy of G-6
G-11 Driving Environment— This is an exact copy of G-5
G-12 Minus Ten—Following this lesson, the student will recognize how to avoid the driver errors which most presently result in low speed motor vehicle collisions that cause personal injuries and property damage. Emphasis is placed on correct backing procedures. (23 minutes; ask for a copy of the test)
G-13 Driver Performance Test II—A performance test used to analyze the driving skills of your employees. (1 hour; ask for a copy of the test)
G-14 Sport II—A video oriented motor vehicle driving test that measures the drivers on-the-road performance. (56:30 minutes; ask for a copy of the test)
G-16 Confined Space Entry—Due to lack of training, confined spaces are responsible for many deaths every year. This video addresses the risks and operational safety standards for confined spaces commonly found in public works and construction such as testing, ventilation and rescue procedures. (20 minutes)
G-19 Hazard Communications—Required by OSHA for training all employees in chemicals and hazardous materials used in the work place. Program includes chemical spills and reinforces the information required for training employees in MSDS and basic hazard communications. (13 minutes)
G-20 Safety Committees - The Real Story—In the limited time allowed by the manufacturing industry, effective safety committees may be difficult to achieve, but can be effective if properly used. In most cases, safety committees become a burden rather than providing true benefit. This program explains how to make them effective, without wasting time or effort. (12 minutes)
G-21 Unsafe Acts - Human Behavior—The vast majority of accidents in the work place are caused, in whole or in part, by the unsafe acts of employees. Therefore, the major emphasis of this tape is reducing unsafe acts through education. (11 minutes)
G-22 Driver & Traffic Exposure—Many people feel they are still able to drive reasonably safe after consuming alcoholic beverages. This program takes the viewer through a scientific experiment designed to test that theory. (28 minutes)
G-25 Snow Plow—This video demonstrates use of snow plow scoop along with various other parts and compares their effectiveness. Takes viewer through installation of snow scoop. (30 minutes)
G-26 Asbestos Threat—Designed to explain what asbestos is, where it is found and what everyone can do to reduce the exposure to this cancer-causing substance. Asbestos can be found at work, schools, home and many other structures. This program is designed for general safety awareness. (7 minutes)
G-27 Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) for Non-Health Care Workers—Designed for all employees regardless of their job to make them more aware of HIV and Hepatitis B viruses that can be transmitted through blood or body fluids contaminated with blood products. Helping an accident victim by providing CPR in an emergency could result in the transmission of BBP. Therefore, having the basic knowledge and information can reduce the risk of exposure. For all audiences, but specifically for persons who are not at occupational risk of exposure, but could be infected by “good samaritan” acts. (12 minutes)
G-28 Americans with Disabilities Act—This law prohibits discrimination against qualified people with disabilities in employment, public services, public transportation, public accommodations and telecommunications. This video provides an explanation of the requirements of this new law which is applicable in all states. It can be used to train management, supervisors and employees. (14 minutes)
G-29 How to Develop an Effective Safety Program—Designed for supervisors and mid-management, this tape explains how supervisors are the key to any program and how to provide safety leadership. Complete step-by-step program for successfully developing and implementing an effective safety program. These steps, when implemented, have reduced accidents and injuries by as much as 50 percent to 75 percent. (19 minutes)
G-30 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)—This program explains what CTS is, how to prevent CTS and what employees can do to reduce the effects of CTS. (14 minutes)
G-31 Supervisor’s Guide to Accident Reporting—Discusses why information is necessary and how to conduct an effective and thorough accident investigation. (12 minutes)
G-32 How to Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls—Ninety-eight percent of all slip and falls can be prevented. Take care of the hazards in your workplace before they cause a costly injury. Covers the following:
1. Outside of building and entryway
2. Housekeeping and walk-off mats
3. Polishing, waxing and mopping safely
4. Stair and ladder safety
5. Employee training (12 minutes)
G-34 Office Safety - Ergonomically up-to-date, this video addresses the new hazards now found in the office environment because of computer terminals and reduced need for physical movement. Includes safe lifting techniques, fire prevention and protecting against repetitive strain injury. (20 minutes)
G-35 Heat Stress—Working in hot environments and strenuous physical activity cause heat reactions in the body—a hazard without proper management. (12 minutes)
G-36 Forklift Safety—This video explains OSHA operating requirements and stresses the value of safety. (15 minutes)
G-37 Customer Accidents & Third Party Liability—Well-prepared employees can save you costly law suits. Educate your employees on what to do in the event of an accident where a non-employee may make a claim. (13 minutes)
G-38 Traffic Control—This video covers the common causes of traffic control accidents. It discusses the requirements for effective traffic control including: (1) traffic control devices; (2) proper signing; (3) basic flagging requirements. (17 minutes)
G-39 Crane Operator Safety—This video is an educational tape on hazards to avoid when operating cranes. The video covers such things as pre-use inspection, maintenance, safe operation and electrical line hazards. (14 minutes)
G-40 Right to Know Office Setting—Chemical hazards can be found in any work environment, so don’t forget to keep your office employees informed. This video covers the common office chemicals and OSHA HazCom regulations. (9 minutes)
G-41 Ticks: They Can Bug You—This video describes how to avoid being bitten by a tick and first aid procedures if you are exposed. (17 minutes)
G-42 Dog Bite Prevention—This video informs you how to minimize your exposure to dog bites by making informed decisions. (10 minutes)
G-43 Backhoe Operation & Safety—Because of their versatility, backhoes are one of the most common pieces of equipment on a construction site. This video encourages attention to safety and correct use of your backhoe. (8 minutes)
G-44 Video Display Terminal (VDT)—(Humorous) Review the safe use of VDTs with employees and covers many areas of employee concern when operating VDTs. (16 minutes)
G-45 Office Ergonomics—(Humorous) Teaches physiology of the body and how it works, how ergonomic problems occur, parts of the body most susceptible and how “warm-up” exercises can help. (19 minutes)
G-46 Safety Inspection & Maintenance of Playgrounds—Information for the safe design and maintenance of play grounds for children. (21 minutes)
G-47 Seat Belt Success (The Roger Newman Story & Mobile Equipment Safety—The first part of this video discusses how a true story of survival contributed to the use of seatbelts. ( 7 minutes) Part two of this video is on mobile construction equipment safety. (19 minutes)
G-48 Workplace Violence for Employees— The purpose of this tape is to provide information and realistic sceneries that will help to optimize you security and safety strategy. (27 minutes)
G-49 Homicide in the Work Place—The protection of employees is paramount. (18 minutes)
G-50 Learn to Weld - The Lincoln Way—The selection of proper clothing to equipment is reviewed. (18:30 minutes)
G-51 Nema - Welding Safely - The Way Pros Do It— A step-by-step guide to proper welding techniques including PPE and safe operation of the equipment. (35 minutes)
G-53 Hand & Power Tool Safety—(Information on the safe operation and use of hand tools and powered tools. Including respect for tool and your attitude towards their safe use. (12:44 Minutes)
G-54 Seeing is Believing—Safely exposing buried utilities—(30 minutes)
G-56 Ladder Safety—There is a proper ladder and climbing technique for every job. This
video discusses ladder selection, maintenance and use of these ladders. (18 minutes)
G-57 In the Blink of an Eye:An Occupational Eye Safety Program— According to Prevent Blindness America, more than 1,000 people suffer eye injuries at work every day. About 250 of these workers lose their eyesight—some temporarily, some permanently. (11 minutes)
G-58 Lockout/Tagout Update—Meet 29CFR1910 training and retraining requirements with this new production: (1) explanation of standard contents; (2) recognize and control hazardous energy sources; (3) type of energy and characteristics; (3) situation, devices and proper procedures and power systems. (17 minutes)
G-59 Trenching & Excavation Safety—Live footage and computer graphics provide a clear explanation of the hazards created by digging trenches and excavations. Educate all employees working in or around trenches. (19 minutes)
G-62 Shop Safety: General Work Facility—Employees of fleet shops and transportation garages must be educated in order to comply with OSHA requirements and maintain a safe work place. (17 minutes)
G-63 Preventing Back Injuries—A comprehensive back care video discussing all aspects of preventing back problems. (18:45 minutes)
G-64 Protecting Custodians from Bloodborne Pathogens—A training guide for custodians in the prevention of AIDS and hepatitis. (18 minutes)
G-65 Office & Personal Security— This video deals with the personal safety and the security of the work area. It points out ways that this security is violated and what procedures should be followed.
G-70 Wheel Loader Operating Techniques—This video discusses acceptable and safe operation of a wheel loader. (23 minutes)
G-71 Making Safer Roads—In this video, experts explain which roadside hazards present the worst problems and how to deal with them. (12 minutes)
G-72 Taking Control of your Motor Grader—Modern motor grader controls and functions are shown in this video designed to improve operator skills. (19 minutes)
G-73 How to Get More Out of your Motor Grader—Every municipality that owns a motor grader wants to find additional ways to capitalize on the investment. This video demonstrates road maintenance and building techniques many grader operators never believed possible. (25 minutes)
G-74 “It Always Happens to the Other Guy”—James Whitmore narrates this video dealing with equipment safety. (21 minutes)
G-75 Right-of-way Mowing Safety—Developed in partnership with John Deere, this video should be seen by every mower operator. Filled with practical advice on ways to avoid accidents to operators, bystanders and the driving public. (23 minutes)
G-76 Backhoe Loader Safe Operating Techniques—This video discusses the responsibility of the backhoe operator. It also discusses proper technique and safety issues. (14:30 minutes)
G-77 Crawler Excavation - Working with crawler excavators including the maintenance and proper safety techniques. (22:30 minutes)
G-78 Rigging & Lfting with Mobile Construction Equipment—This video discusses the techniques to be used in the lifting heavy loads on the construction site. (27 minutes)
G-79 Lockout/Tagout of Construction Equipment—The KDHR guidelines require that every county must have a lockout/tagout procedure in force. This video will help define the areas where procedures are needed. (18 minutes)
G-80 Road Crew Safety—One of the most dangerous jobs in the county is working on the streets and highways. This video discusses a multitude of subjects including proper signing of work zones and being responsible for your own acts. (23 minutes)
G-81 Roller Compactor Safety Video—Designed to bring the printed message in operators manuals to life on the video screen. Operators may not take the time to read an operators manual, but will watch a video. The presentation is divided into ten distinct segments, so you can plan your training sessions to fit work schedules. Produced by CIMA. (54 minutes)
G-83 Sensible Wood Cutting - Tips from the Pros—Whether you are using a chain saw to fell trees, cut firewood or clean up around the yard, here are some basic tips and techniques that can make your cutting experience safer and more productive. (25 minutes)
G-84 Flagging— Properly flagging procedures along with the responsibilities of the flagger to control the situation. (17 minutes)
G-85 Rigging & Lifting with Mobile Construction Equipment— A guide for the proper use of mobile equipment when lifting and swinging heavy materials. It deals with the rigging and how to attach the rigging to the equipment. (27 minutes)
G-86 New employee Safety Orientation— This video visits the responsibility of organizations to develop policies and guidelines. It takes you through what they believe should be discussed at a new employee orientation. (23 minutes)
G-87 Avoiding Back Pain—A Zomar Production that addresses back safety from the view of the worker. It takes the standard everyday jobs and shows what we do wrong and how we could better protect our backs. (26 minutes)
G-88 Construction Back Safety—Information and guidelines on the back so you can work harder and smarter in your life. (10 minutes)
G-89 Danger Signs—Discusses the consequences of damaging or steeling signs. (9 minutes)
G-90 The Distributor Truck -- A training video provided by Etyne. This video provides information on the design, safety and operation of a distributor truck.
G-91 Fall Protection -- Addresses the different types of fall protection and details on the proper placement and use of fall protection equipment. (22 minutes)
G-92 Thinking About Fall Protection—Fall protection equipment and the dangers associated with falls. (20 minutes)
G-94 Low Visibility & Driving—This video presents appropriate preventive measures and corrective actions that drivers can take to improve their ability to see and be seen.—(15 minutes)
G-95 Safe Winter Driving Considerations—Zeros in on safety tips and techniques for handling the hazards of winter driving.—(21 minutes)
G-96 The Competent Person & Soils Testing— OSHA requires that one person on an excavation job be considered the competent person. This video describes the requirements and how to determine possible dangers. (27 minutes)
G-97 Safety Oreintation for Solid Waste—Safety issues and responsibilities of new employees in the solid waste industry (17 minutes)
G-98 Trenching & Excavation Safety (Zomar)—Updated information on the proper procedures for trenching and excavation. (18 minutes)
G-99 Electrical Safety Illustrated— This video provides basic information on working around standard electrical equipment. (17 minutes)
G-100 Front-End Loader Safety—This video is put out by MSHA and deals with their guidelines on the safe operation of a front-end loader in the pit. (7 minutes)
G-101 Safety On or Near Water—MSHA video discussing the safe operation of dredges and PPE equipment required (14 minutes)
G-102 Hand and Power Tool Safety -- The video discusses general safety rules, PPE and proper tools for the job. It also discusses the work area and attitude.
G-103 Fire Extinguisher (Fire Prevention 2000) -- Updated video on the proper use of fire extinguishers and the different types of extinguishers available. (19:00)
G-104 Killer Bees, Wasps and Spiders -- Addresses information about bees, wasps & spiders to better prepare you to deal with an encounter. (36:40)
G-105 Terrorism: Employee Awareness - This video provides information about the possibility of a terrorist attack using Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons. Information on the terrorist threat and the actions you should take to protect yourself and your organization (revised March 1998) (29:43)
G-111 Personal Protective Equipment: Reality in the Public Sector -- This VHS covers all types of PPE, proper selection, care and use (20 minutes)
G-7 Lifting & Carrying—Employees need to know how to safely move an object from point A to point B. This is an excellent review of how to lift and carry and minimize the chance of injury. (12:30 minutes)
G-8 Chain Saws and Common Sense—A guide for people for BOTH. (20 minutes)
G-9 Traffic Perceptual Skills—Upon completion of this lesson, the student will know, appreciate and be capable of applying each of the following traffic perceptual skills: (1) search, (2) identify, (3) predict, (4) decide and (5) execute. (26 minutes; ask for a copy of the test)
G-10 Driving Risk Control— This is an exact copy of G-6
G-11 Driving Environment— This is an exact copy of G-5
G-12 Minus Ten—Following this lesson, the student will recognize how to avoid the driver errors which most presently result in low speed motor vehicle collisions that cause personal injuries and property damage. Emphasis is placed on correct backing procedures. (23 minutes; ask for a copy of the test)
G-13 Driver Performance Test II—A performance test used to analyze the driving skills of your employees. (1 hour; ask for a copy of the test)
G-14 Sport II—A video oriented motor vehicle driving test that measures the drivers on-the-road performance. (56:30 minutes; ask for a copy of the test)
G-16 Confined Space Entry—Due to lack of training, confined spaces are responsible for many deaths every year. This video addresses the risks and operational safety standards for confined spaces commonly found in public works and construction such as testing, ventilation and rescue procedures. (20 minutes)
G-19 Hazard Communications—Required by OSHA for training all employees in chemicals and hazardous materials used in the work place. Program includes chemical spills and reinforces the information required for training employees in MSDS and basic hazard communications. (13 minutes)
G-20 Safety Committees - The Real Story—In the limited time allowed by the manufacturing industry, effective safety committees may be difficult to achieve, but can be effective if properly used. In most cases, safety committees become a burden rather than providing true benefit. This program explains how to make them effective, without wasting time or effort. (12 minutes)
G-21 Unsafe Acts - Human Behavior—The vast majority of accidents in the work place are caused, in whole or in part, by the unsafe acts of employees. Therefore, the major emphasis of this tape is reducing unsafe acts through education. (11 minutes)
G-22 Driver & Traffic Exposure—Many people feel they are still able to drive reasonably safe after consuming alcoholic beverages. This program takes the viewer through a scientific experiment designed to test that theory. (28 minutes)
G-25 Snow Plow—This video demonstrates use of snow plow scoop along with various other parts and compares their effectiveness. Takes viewer through installation of snow scoop. (30 minutes)
G-26 Asbestos Threat—Designed to explain what asbestos is, where it is found and what everyone can do to reduce the exposure to this cancer-causing substance. Asbestos can be found at work, schools, home and many other structures. This program is designed for general safety awareness. (7 minutes)
G-27 Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) for Non-Health Care Workers—Designed for all employees regardless of their job to make them more aware of HIV and Hepatitis B viruses that can be transmitted through blood or body fluids contaminated with blood products. Helping an accident victim by providing CPR in an emergency could result in the transmission of BBP. Therefore, having the basic knowledge and information can reduce the risk of exposure. For all audiences, but specifically for persons who are not at occupational risk of exposure, but could be infected by “good samaritan” acts. (12 minutes)
G-28 Americans with Disabilities Act—This law prohibits discrimination against qualified people with disabilities in employment, public services, public transportation, public accommodations and telecommunications. This video provides an explanation of the requirements of this new law which is applicable in all states. It can be used to train management, supervisors and employees. (14 minutes)
G-29 How to Develop an Effective Safety Program—Designed for supervisors and mid-management, this tape explains how supervisors are the key to any program and how to provide safety leadership. Complete step-by-step program for successfully developing and implementing an effective safety program. These steps, when implemented, have reduced accidents and injuries by as much as 50 percent to 75 percent. (19 minutes)
G-30 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)—This program explains what CTS is, how to prevent CTS and what employees can do to reduce the effects of CTS. (14 minutes)
G-31 Supervisor’s Guide to Accident Reporting—Discusses why information is necessary and how to conduct an effective and thorough accident investigation. (12 minutes)
G-32 How to Prevent Slips, Trips and Falls—Ninety-eight percent of all slip and falls can be prevented. Take care of the hazards in your workplace before they cause a costly injury. Covers the following:
1. Outside of building and entryway
2. Housekeeping and walk-off mats
3. Polishing, waxing and mopping safely
4. Stair and ladder safety
5. Employee training (12 minutes)
G-34 Office Safety - Ergonomically up-to-date, this video addresses the new hazards now found in the office environment because of computer terminals and reduced need for physical movement. Includes safe lifting techniques, fire prevention and protecting against repetitive strain injury. (20 minutes)
G-35 Heat Stress—Working in hot environments and strenuous physical activity cause heat reactions in the body—a hazard without proper management. (12 minutes)
G-36 Forklift Safety—This video explains OSHA operating requirements and stresses the value of safety. (15 minutes)
G-37 Customer Accidents & Third Party Liability—Well-prepared employees can save you costly law suits. Educate your employees on what to do in the event of an accident where a non-employee may make a claim. (13 minutes)
G-38 Traffic Control—This video covers the common causes of traffic control accidents. It discusses the requirements for effective traffic control including: (1) traffic control devices; (2) proper signing; (3) basic flagging requirements. (17 minutes)
G-39 Crane Operator Safety—This video is an educational tape on hazards to avoid when operating cranes. The video covers such things as pre-use inspection, maintenance, safe operation and electrical line hazards. (14 minutes)
G-40 Right to Know Office Setting—Chemical hazards can be found in any work environment, so don’t forget to keep your office employees informed. This video covers the common office chemicals and OSHA HazCom regulations. (9 minutes)
G-41 Ticks: They Can Bug You—This video describes how to avoid being bitten by a tick and first aid procedures if you are exposed. (17 minutes)
G-42 Dog Bite Prevention—This video informs you how to minimize your exposure to dog bites by making informed decisions. (10 minutes)
G-43 Backhoe Operation & Safety—Because of their versatility, backhoes are one of the most common pieces of equipment on a construction site. This video encourages attention to safety and correct use of your backhoe. (8 minutes)
G-44 Video Display Terminal (VDT)—(Humorous) Review the safe use of VDTs with employees and covers many areas of employee concern when operating VDTs. (16 minutes)
G-45 Office Ergonomics—(Humorous) Teaches physiology of the body and how it works, how ergonomic problems occur, parts of the body most susceptible and how “warm-up” exercises can help. (19 minutes)
G-46 Safety Inspection & Maintenance of Playgrounds—Information for the safe design and maintenance of play grounds for children. (21 minutes)
G-47 Seat Belt Success (The Roger Newman Story & Mobile Equipment Safety—The first part of this video discusses how a true story of survival contributed to the use of seatbelts. ( 7 minutes) Part two of this video is on mobile construction equipment safety. (19 minutes)
G-48 Workplace Violence for Employees— The purpose of this tape is to provide information and realistic sceneries that will help to optimize you security and safety strategy. (27 minutes)
G-49 Homicide in the Work Place—The protection of employees is paramount. (18 minutes)
G-50 Learn to Weld - The Lincoln Way—The selection of proper clothing to equipment is reviewed. (18:30 minutes)
G-51 Nema - Welding Safely - The Way Pros Do It— A step-by-step guide to proper welding techniques including PPE and safe operation of the equipment. (35 minutes)
G-53 Hand & Power Tool Safety—(Information on the safe operation and use of hand tools and powered tools. Including respect for tool and your attitude towards their safe use. (12:44 Minutes)
G-54 Seeing is Believing—Safely exposing buried utilities—(30 minutes)
G-56 Ladder Safety—There is a proper ladder and climbing technique for every job. This
video discusses ladder selection, maintenance and use of these ladders. (18 minutes)
G-57 In the Blink of an Eye:An Occupational Eye Safety Program— According to Prevent Blindness America, more than 1,000 people suffer eye injuries at work every day. About 250 of these workers lose their eyesight—some temporarily, some permanently. (11 minutes)
G-58 Lockout/Tagout Update—Meet 29CFR1910 training and retraining requirements with this new production: (1) explanation of standard contents; (2) recognize and control hazardous energy sources; (3) type of energy and characteristics; (3) situation, devices and proper procedures and power systems. (17 minutes)
G-59 Trenching & Excavation Safety—Live footage and computer graphics provide a clear explanation of the hazards created by digging trenches and excavations. Educate all employees working in or around trenches. (19 minutes)
G-62 Shop Safety: General Work Facility—Employees of fleet shops and transportation garages must be educated in order to comply with OSHA requirements and maintain a safe work place. (17 minutes)
G-63 Preventing Back Injuries—A comprehensive back care video discussing all aspects of preventing back problems. (18:45 minutes)
G-64 Protecting Custodians from Bloodborne Pathogens—A training guide for custodians in the prevention of AIDS and hepatitis. (18 minutes)
G-65 Office & Personal Security— This video deals with the personal safety and the security of the work area. It points out ways that this security is violated and what procedures should be followed.
G-70 Wheel Loader Operating Techniques—This video discusses acceptable and safe operation of a wheel loader. (23 minutes)
G-71 Making Safer Roads—In this video, experts explain which roadside hazards present the worst problems and how to deal with them. (12 minutes)
G-72 Taking Control of your Motor Grader—Modern motor grader controls and functions are shown in this video designed to improve operator skills. (19 minutes)
G-73 How to Get More Out of your Motor Grader—Every municipality that owns a motor grader wants to find additional ways to capitalize on the investment. This video demonstrates road maintenance and building techniques many grader operators never believed possible. (25 minutes)
G-74 “It Always Happens to the Other Guy”—James Whitmore narrates this video dealing with equipment safety. (21 minutes)
G-75 Right-of-way Mowing Safety—Developed in partnership with John Deere, this video should be seen by every mower operator. Filled with practical advice on ways to avoid accidents to operators, bystanders and the driving public. (23 minutes)
G-76 Backhoe Loader Safe Operating Techniques—This video discusses the responsibility of the backhoe operator. It also discusses proper technique and safety issues. (14:30 minutes)
G-77 Crawler Excavation - Working with crawler excavators including the maintenance and proper safety techniques. (22:30 minutes)
G-78 Rigging & Lfting with Mobile Construction Equipment—This video discusses the techniques to be used in the lifting heavy loads on the construction site. (27 minutes)
G-79 Lockout/Tagout of Construction Equipment—The KDHR guidelines require that every county must have a lockout/tagout procedure in force. This video will help define the areas where procedures are needed. (18 minutes)
G-80 Road Crew Safety—One of the most dangerous jobs in the county is working on the streets and highways. This video discusses a multitude of subjects including proper signing of work zones and being responsible for your own acts. (23 minutes)
G-81 Roller Compactor Safety Video—Designed to bring the printed message in operators manuals to life on the video screen. Operators may not take the time to read an operators manual, but will watch a video. The presentation is divided into ten distinct segments, so you can plan your training sessions to fit work schedules. Produced by CIMA. (54 minutes)
G-83 Sensible Wood Cutting - Tips from the Pros—Whether you are using a chain saw to fell trees, cut firewood or clean up around the yard, here are some basic tips and techniques that can make your cutting experience safer and more productive. (25 minutes)
G-84 Flagging— Properly flagging procedures along with the responsibilities of the flagger to control the situation. (17 minutes)
G-85 Rigging & Lifting with Mobile Construction Equipment— A guide for the proper use of mobile equipment when lifting and swinging heavy materials. It deals with the rigging and how to attach the rigging to the equipment. (27 minutes)
G-86 New employee Safety Orientation— This video visits the responsibility of organizations to develop policies and guidelines. It takes you through what they believe should be discussed at a new employee orientation. (23 minutes)
G-87 Avoiding Back Pain—A Zomar Production that addresses back safety from the view of the worker. It takes the standard everyday jobs and shows what we do wrong and how we could better protect our backs. (26 minutes)
G-88 Construction Back Safety—Information and guidelines on the back so you can work harder and smarter in your life. (10 minutes)
G-89 Danger Signs—Discusses the consequences of damaging or steeling signs. (9 minutes)
G-90 The Distributor Truck -- A training video provided by Etyne. This video provides information on the design, safety and operation of a distributor truck.
G-91 Fall Protection -- Addresses the different types of fall protection and details on the proper placement and use of fall protection equipment. (22 minutes)
G-92 Thinking About Fall Protection—Fall protection equipment and the dangers associated with falls. (20 minutes)
G-94 Low Visibility & Driving—This video presents appropriate preventive measures and corrective actions that drivers can take to improve their ability to see and be seen.—(15 minutes)
G-95 Safe Winter Driving Considerations—Zeros in on safety tips and techniques for handling the hazards of winter driving.—(21 minutes)
G-96 The Competent Person & Soils Testing— OSHA requires that one person on an excavation job be considered the competent person. This video describes the requirements and how to determine possible dangers. (27 minutes)
G-97 Safety Oreintation for Solid Waste—Safety issues and responsibilities of new employees in the solid waste industry (17 minutes)
G-98 Trenching & Excavation Safety (Zomar)—Updated information on the proper procedures for trenching and excavation. (18 minutes)
G-99 Electrical Safety Illustrated— This video provides basic information on working around standard electrical equipment. (17 minutes)
G-100 Front-End Loader Safety—This video is put out by MSHA and deals with their guidelines on the safe operation of a front-end loader in the pit. (7 minutes)
G-101 Safety On or Near Water—MSHA video discussing the safe operation of dredges and PPE equipment required (14 minutes)
G-102 Hand and Power Tool Safety -- The video discusses general safety rules, PPE and proper tools for the job. It also discusses the work area and attitude.
G-103 Fire Extinguisher (Fire Prevention 2000) -- Updated video on the proper use of fire extinguishers and the different types of extinguishers available. (19:00)
G-104 Killer Bees, Wasps and Spiders -- Addresses information about bees, wasps & spiders to better prepare you to deal with an encounter. (36:40)
G-105 Terrorism: Employee Awareness - This video provides information about the possibility of a terrorist attack using Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons. Information on the terrorist threat and the actions you should take to protect yourself and your organization (revised March 1998) (29:43)
G-111 Personal Protective Equipment: Reality in the Public Sector -- This VHS covers all types of PPE, proper selection, care and use (20 minutes)